Tag Archives: Diptych

{Diptychs} The Orpheum



Canon Sure Shot Sleek • Kodak BW400CN, shot at 1600

{‘Roid Week 2013} Diana-Diana

(click the photo to view it at a larger size – it’s better BIGGER!)

The night before I sold my Diana F+, I told my niece that I needed her for a photo and had her come outside. She quite cheerfully obliged, and I handed her the Diana. I’d already set my Polaroid Spectra 1200si up on a tripod with my Minolta Instant Pro’s close-up lens attached. I asked my niece to put the Diana camera up to her eye then had her stand to the side and photographed her casually holding the camera- my little model performed perfectly! I just thought the Diana was too cool looking to not utilize as a prop in a photo. And I have to say that between how well I like the resulting photos and my sentimental attachment to the model in the photos, these two are among my most favorite Impossible Project photos I’ve ever taken.


Polaroid Spectra 1200si  • Impossible Project PZ680 Color Protection
Minolta Instant Pro close-up attachment used on the left photo  

{‘Roid Week 2013} Banana-Banana

(click the photo to view it at a larger size – it’s better BIGGER!)

I’d really been cross at myself for not putting more film through my Polaroid Spectra/Minolta Instant Pro cameras after procuring them last Christmas. So much film photography to do, so little time!  I decided to stop being cross at myself  by ordering a few packs of Impossible Project PZ 680 Color Protection film last month. I couldn’t decide which camera to use the PZ 680 film in, so I did both! I’ve become a bit of an expert at transferring Impossible Project film into different cameras 🙂 So I first loaded this film pack into the Minolta. Then put it in the Polaroid. And I finished it off in the Minolta.

The above photos were the first two I took when I loaded the film into the Minolta. I wasn’t happy with the exposure on the first photo, so I immediately took another. The exposure wasn’t any better on the second try! However, since the reason I was photographing this banana was because I thought its curvature was unlike that of any other banana I’d ever seen, I rather like the abstract nature that the underexposure of these photos creates.

Minolta Instant Pro w/Close-up lens attached • Impossible Project PZ 680 Color Protection