{‘Roid Week 2013} The Last of the Polaroids

The time has come, once again, for ‘Roid Week – wherein members of the online photo community share their instant photos with each other and the world. I think, ideally, one would take new photos each day of ‘Roid Week and post them daily. I happen to have a stash of instant photos taken over the past several months which I never scanned or posted online, so I’m going to “premier” those as my contribution to ‘Roid Week.

In January, my friend Daniel sent me a Polaroid 600 camera which had a film cartridge in it. That cartridge had several sheets of film still in it, but the battery in the pack was dead. So I swapped the remaining film into a fresher, Impossible Project film cartridge in order to use the film. The expired film produced a warm, almost monochrome color cast.  I took a few photos in my kitchen, and I thought the result was a lovely way to use what will likely be the last genuine Polaroid film I’ll ever have the opportunity to use.

Polaroid SLR 680 • Expired Polaroid 600 film

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