Tag Archives: Wedding Photography

{Getting Married} Jennifer + Chris

I’ll be sharing photos from Jennifer and Chris’s wedding soon, but I actually began my coverage of their wedding at the rehearsal dinner. I loved doing that, because it gave me a chance to get familiar with the bride and groom, along with friends and family who would be there the next day at the ceremony.

I had a great time photographing the rehearsal dinner, so I thought I’d post some snapshots from that night before I share their wedding photos with you!

Layout of the food at the rehearsal dinner

That’s Jennifer on the left, with her bridesmaids!And the gentleman in the suit and tie is Chris, the groom-to-be!

Jennifer and her sister Stephanie

Jennifer’s cousin was trying to show me up with his iPhone – he was a hoot!

Chris’s stepmother and father

Weddings, as a Guest {Part Two}: The Film Photos

In September, I attended two weddings as a guest. I shared photos I’d taken at those weddings with my Samsung NX1100, but at Lea and Michael’s wedding, I also brought along my Nikon EM and a roll of Kodak BW400CN.

Sara and Lea


Lea’s love for Van Morrison…

Michael and Lea were being upstaged during their first dance

I love this candid of Kadie and her fella

Karen and Mark: still lovey dovey after all these years

Two of my faves from the Muddy’s gang: Hayley and Nicci

I knew we found the right place when I saw the lacy bunting on the fence. It’s very much a “Lea” thing!

I  loved the light fixtures in the historic house where the wedding took place

Packet of birdseed for throwing at Lea and Michael when they left the reception

Needlepoint upon which the guests could write their well-wishes for the newlyweds

Lee Home • Columbus, MS

It was nice seeing these pictures so many months after they were taken. Memories of a lovely wedding for lovely couple.


Technical info: The photos came out EXTREMELY grainy because I shot the film at 1600 – meaning I gave it less light that it needed for good exposures – and had it push processed by the photo lab. Or at least I tried to have it push-processed. Many of them are so underexposed that I’m not sure if the lab really did process it the way I intended or if the Nikon EM’s meter isn’t sophisticated enough to deal with the lighting conditions.

{Just Married} Susan + Scott: The Bonus Photos

Better late than never, I’ve finally gotten together a few film photos from Susan and Scott’s wedding!

This was my first time using my Bronica ETRSi at a wedding, and I think I will have to bring along an assistant to carry it next time I use it at a wedding! Since Susan is a fellow film photography enthusiast, I gave her a bit of a thrill when I let her hold the Bronica – though she’s so petite that the camera looked super-sized in her hands! She must not have found that to be a problem, because she got herself an ETRS not too long after 🙂

Bronica ETRSi • Kodak Portra 160 color film & Lomography Lady Grey 400 b&w film

Weddings, as a Guest {Part Two}

Follow up to Part One

Subtitled: “Mirrorless Wedding Photography”

My second “wedding as a guest” last month was my friend Lea’s wedding in Columbus, Mississippi. Lea is a dear girl I know from our time together at Muddy’s Bake Shop. My friend Clark and I roadtripped it down there for the ceremony, and I gave the Samsung NX1100 its second trial as my companion camera. Even with just the kit lens, the NX1100 came through! It was a lovely wedding! I was also happy to see some of my awesome former workmates from the bakery – and some Muddy’s folks whom I’ve met before but never had the pleasure to work with. Needless to say, there was a big “Team Muddy’s” contingent in attendance at darling Lea’s wedding!

Part Two: Lea & Michael’s Wedding Reception • Lee Home • Columbus, MS

(^^^ so cute!!!)


The bride, holding the cutest little champagne coupe I ever did see

Father-daughter dance

Team Muddy’s: Muddy’s baker Kadie and her guy Matt

Team Muddy’s: The Thurmonds, Mark who still works for the bakery and Karen who used to – OH and that’s just the new Mrs. Liles standing next to them! 


Team Muddy’s: Former Muddy’s employees Christina and SJ

Team Muddy’s:  Muddy’s community builder, Sara, and  her husband Jacob (they’re newlyweds too!)

Cupid Shuffle, naturally

(And I did have a film camera which I shot with…those photos will be posted when I get the film developed!!)