Tag Archives: Forgotten Frames

{Forgotten Frames} Forrister

Same old “Forgotten Frames” story: I had this roll of film in my Pentax Espio Mini for months, then waited so long to get it developed that I didn’t remember much of what was on it. Such as these photos of the band Forrister (and a few of Wicker) that I took in February. I had no clue that’s what was on part of the roll. I’m sure I’ll be posting more random photos from this same roll soon, but here’s the Forrister photos from it!

Pentax Espio Mini • Agfa Vista Plus 400

{Forgotten Frames} Double Exposed, Years Apart

I have an odd one to share with you today.

Back in 2012, I borrowed Gabe’s Hasselblad for awhile. He told me that the film loaded in it was one with an ISO of 160, so that’s how I shot it.  Stands to reason, right? When I finished the roll, I found that it was actually a roll of Agfa Ultra 50. That meant the film would be underexposed by nearly two stops. I thought I shouldn’t bother getting the film developed, so I just put the film away in a drawer. Then, two years later (2014) I had this idea that maybe if I exposed the film in the Yashica-Mat I’d just gotten, I could fix the underexposure problem by double exposing it. I put it in the Yashica, shot the roll again, and put the film away yet again because I didn’t think it’d be worth developing. Now, in 2015, I finally just threw the roll of Agfa Ultra into a batch of film that I was sending the photo lab anyway. The results are interesting, on a couple of levels. 1. With the exception of one photo, I didn’t remember anything I’d shot when the film was in the Hasselblad. 2. The photos, for the most part, didn’t line up as proper double exposures. Some of them don’t seem to be double exposed at all??? 3. I have NO recollection of what I photographed when I transferred the film into the Yashica-Mat. That makes it hard to discern which layer of the double exposure was taken with which camera. I can make some educated guesses, but that’s about it.

I believe that the more “prominent” images on each double-exposed frame was taken with the Hasselblad. I didn’t seem to do a very good job getting enough light onto the film when it was in the Yashica-Mat. From what I can tell, I think I shot things in the Yashica-Mat that I thought might add a textural layer to the original exposures. But, from the looks of it, I might have given the film almost enough exposure when it was in the Hassy that I might not have even needed to undertake this silly pursuit!

Oy vey!

{Forgotten Frames} Diana F+ Novella

This could be described more accurately as “discarded roll” rather than “forgotten frames.”

As I recounted in my last post about the Diana, I bought a Diana F+ and sold it after using it a handful of times. I took a few rolls with the camera while I was England, didn’t care for the results, took one more roll, and sold the camera without having that final roll developed. I kept putting it off because I didn’t care to spend good money developing film from a camera I didn’t particularly enjoy. But when I had a couple of other Diana rolls to send the photo lab a few weeks ago, I decided I’d go ahead and chuck this roll in the envelope as well.

These photos were taken in January 2013. When I do these Forgotten Frames posts, I usually say whether or not I remembered what might have been on the film before I got it developed. This is one time when I did somewhat remember what I’d shot on the roll. I just remembered that I had gone to my favorite nearby photo excursion site, Como, Mississippi, which is about 14 miles from my house. Just a short jaunt to get out of my town and into another.


My friend Mallory’s house, back when she had a violist for a roommate 

The rest of the photos were, indeed, taken in Como.

The one photo which I remembered would be on the roll when I got the film developed

Como, Mississippi
(I actually duplicated some of these shots when I was testing my second Diana camera)

I think this was probably a pinhole shot, judging by the close distance of the Diana to the subject

Diana F+ Novella • Fuji 160NS 

While there’s nothing particularly impressive about these photos, this roll just confirmed what I stated in my aforementioned Diana post: If I thought I wanted to used a Diana from time to time, I shouldn’t have sold the F+ Novella . I didn’t tape the camera up at all for this roll, but you can see that there weren’t really any issues with light leaks. Oh well!

{Forgotten Frames} Hidden Gems

Once in awhile, I bribe my niece (AM) into doing a photo shoot. This is usually when she’s saving to buy something, and I consider paying her to do a little photo shoot is no different than her getting chore money from her parents. But I like to make it a little fun for her.

For instance, last year we did a shoot where AM wore her Hunger Games t-shirt and posed with her bow and arrow. I actually never shared those online. They were taken on color film, but the scans I received from the photo lab were pretty terrible. The colors just weren’t right, and I didn’t want to post photos of my niece where her beautiful skin and amazing red hair didn’t look the way they should!

So I left the photos alone. I toyed with the idea of converting the photos to black and white on the computer. That idea never really went anywhere.

But then

I was doing another photo shoot with my niece and remembered about the bow and arrow photos from last year. I decided to go ahead and make those photos black and white to see if that made me happier. And did it ever! I am in love with these photos now. I think I appreciate them even more than if I’d done this with them when they were originally taken.

Bronica ETRSi •  Zenzanon MC 150mm/3.5 & Zenzanon 75mm/2.8 EII • Kodak Porta 160, converted to b&w
May 2013 (AM, age 11)


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