Daily Archives: February 4, 2015

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{Mini Rainbow}


I am a big fan of the rainbow frame film from Impossible Project for Polaroid cameras. I know some people feel as if the colored frames detract from the photo itself. I don’t agree.

When I got a camera that takes Fuji Instax Mini film, I couldn’t wait to try their rainbow frame film. And I love it! Ten colorful little pictures. I feel as if somehow the color of the frames magically coordinates well with whatever the photo’s subject is. That just makes me like the film even more.

Look! The colors are gradient and blend from frame to frame when you put them next to each other!

I took my Instax Mini 50s, with the rainbow film loaded in it, on a couple of little excursions that I took in December to neighboring towns. It was pretty perfect.

Holly Springs, Mississippi

Holly Springs, Mississippi

Holly Springs, Mississippi

Holly Springs, Mississippi

Batesville, Mississippi

Batesville, Mississippi

Batesville, Mississippi

Batesville, Mississippi

Como, Mississippi

Como, Mississippi

Fuji Instax Mini 50s • Instax Mini rainbow film

Like I said, I really enjoyed the rainbow frame Instax mini pictures. Now, if Instax would give us their Wide film, I’d be an even happier girl!