Daily Archives: December 4, 2011

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Two Shows for the Price of One

 Well, kind of.

It’s been a crazy sort of a week, in which I attended two shows whilst having my website non-functional for most of it. Thanks to those circumstances, I present to you a quick SWP update containing photos from both of those shows, in one fell swoop .

Show, the first:

“The Acorns Appreciation Show “

There is an annual, and sometimes bi-annual, event wherein the Acorns (aka Ryan Hailey) are (is) in the Memphis area and plays a show or two.  It’s an experience you won’t soon forget!

ManCub. Chad Turner. The Acorns. Wicker. Nov. 27 ’11 @ The Smith7 House. Cordova, TN.

Show, the second:

Caleb Roedel Benefit Show

I went to see Looking for Alaska at this HUGE benefit show out at Hope Presbyterian. This was an LFA unlike any we had ever seen before. I would describe the experience as “intense” (and did so several times to the band’s members afterward.) They played a set of distinctively heavy covers, which I personally was not expecting. But I also personally give this performance two thumbs up. They were SO awesome, as per usual. It made me one happy girl, as per usual.

Looking for Alaska. Dec. 2 ’11 @ Hope Presbyterian. Cordova, TN

Okay, that’s it for now! If you’re looking for me over the next coupla days, I’ll be busy photographing a gala tonight, baking ten cakes for a banquet tomorrow, and being busy busy busy in general ! Phew!
